Insurance Series: Self insurance, a discussion
How does one think about insurance? Personally, I see insurance as a bit like a game of chance with a bunch of data to help stack the odds....
Buildings Insurance, Car Insurance, Health Insurance, Home Contents Insurance, Home Insurance, Hospital Insurance, Income Insurance, ...
What can you do if you are single parent and battling to get financial assistance from your Ex?
What can you do if you are single parent and battling to get financial assistance from your Ex? Are you a single parent due to a divorce or...
Legal aid or legal insurance – what’s the best option?
The difference between legal aid and legal insurance may not be immediately clear. Life is unpredictable, and that is why you always need to be prepared. You may...
You can get a criminal record from drinking one beer
Many people land in jail because they are not aware of the legal limits of alcohol. Unfortunately, even a single glass of beer is enough to get you...
Will my legal insurance cover me if I’m accused of murder?
Legal insurance is often viewed as an unnecessary expense. But should you land in hot water, and find yourself on the wrong side of the law, it could...
The dummies guide to legal cover
Life happens, and it is often at unexpected time you realise you need a lawyer. Hiring an attorney can be costly, and legal cover (or legal insurance) is...
Know your rights when you can’t pay your bills
Sometimes, when luck is running against you, it is possible to form the belief that all hope is gone and no one can help. While this is almost...
When it’s not your fault, lawyer up and get legal cover
It’s more common that you think: the need for legal support when things go wrong and it wasn’t your fault. But not everyone can afford a lawyer. With...
So how was your weekend…in jail?
Friday night and you hit the pub. Hard. You don’t mean to but it’s been a long week and it’s great to be jolling with your colleagues. Steve,...
Sex at the office: She looks good in black but do you look good in orange?
We’ve all been there. Monday morning: you’ve managed to drag yourself to work looking, at best, half decent. Before even attempting some kind of work-related productivity you head...