Should you ask your bank for a payment holiday? I did! This is what happened
Level 5 of the National Lockdown may be over, but we still have a long road ahead. During this uncertain time, many people have lost their jobs, and...
Banking, Borrow, Home Loans, Personal Loan
Is your bank going to give you a “payment holiday” during this pandemic?
This is the burning question in the minds of millions of South Africans right now. The answer? It depends. But what exactly does it depend on? Your payment...
5 money-saving strategies you can implement in tough times like these
South Africa is officially in a recession, and Coronavirus could end up affecting every aspect of our lives in the coming months. 2020 is shaping up to be...
3 Money Management Tips For Your 40s
40 – Is it the dawn of middle age or simply just a number? One thing is for sure, when you move into your fourth decade on this...
9 Things You Need To Understand About The 2020 Budget Speech
Since Tito delivered his budget speech a few weeks ago, a lot of numbers and percentages have been flying around in the media. It can all be a...
It’s an Admin Hack But DebiCheck Is Here To Protect Us From Unscrupulous Marketers
The day our monthly debit orders run off our bank account leaves most of us feeling super-distressed. It takes at least 160 hours a month to earn our...
3 Personal Finance Questions Every 30-Year Old Should Be Asking Themselves
In our previous article last year, we talked about the top money questions every 20-year should be asking themselves. In this follow-up piece, we’ll take specific aim at...
4 Types Of Investment Funds You Can Start Thinking About This January
It sounds like a bit of a cliché, but times are still very tough for millions of people across our country. Presently, South African consumers owe a staggering...
Have Your Say About Land Expropriation Without Compensation Before It’s Too Late
The government is planning on changing the constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation. This is a drastic move and will guarantee that your money will be...
Springboard Into A New Decade With These 28 Money Saving Strategies
Hopefully this article finds you chilling under a candy stripped umbrella somewhere on a sandy South African beach. And if that isn’t the way you are spending your...