MoneyShop Credit Health Report
Mike Kann
This report has been compiled using credit report data of clients who applied for credit via the MoneyShop platform between October 2019 and September 2020. Over 1m records...
Credit Report, Survey Results Articles, Surveys
MoneyShop Savings Survey
Spring is in the air! It is a new month, it is a new season! Please complete our survey so we can better understand how you save, and...
The impact the Coronavirus has had on Rainbow Nationers
Jeez, this year has been a rollercoaster ride, hasn't it? Fingers crossed we've broken the back of COVID, and as we transition from a super-chilly and dreary winter...
75% of South Africans have lost income due to Covid-19 and the poor are the hardest hit
We recently ran a survey to get a better view of how South Africans have been financially affected by the Covid-19 Lockdown, and the results were distressing to...
MoneyShop Youth Month Survey
June was Youth Month. And so we took a look at how a parents finances affect their children. The results are in, please see the results below. Also,...
MoneyShop ‘Covid-19 and Your Finances’ Survey
There is no doubt that Covid-19 and the lock-down is destroying our economy. And some people in particular are being hit hard. Our survey for this month looks...