MoneyShop is SA’s largest loan and credit finding service, helping over 120,000 clients per month.
Using artificial intelligence, we match the right lending and credit related products to the right people at the right time.
Enter the Private Club of Private Wealth…
Noticed that swanky and stylish black credit card that your colleague paid with when she bought you both lunch the other day? That’s a sign that she is...
Banking, Money
Can you take up life insurance after you retire?
Everyone one wants to make sure that their loved ones are taken care of when they are unable to. That is why is many still see value in...
Retirement: you’ll have the time but will you have the money
When you were in your twenties and started your retirement fund, 65 seemed to be so far away. You probably thought that by the time you retired you...
The long and the short of it: how long will it take you to pay back your loan
At some time or another, you may have been faced with the need to take out some kind of loan. While you obviously needed the money then, were...
Let’s dissect term deposits
Nowadays there are so many investment products out there, from stocks and shares, to hedge or mutual funds and other alternative investments, and while it’s true that most...
Yay, it’s almost bonus time! But PLEASE read this before you spend yours
Some lucky South Africans will soon receive their year-end bonuses. Whether it’s a 13th cheque or a smaller amount, it makes no difference. Having extra money at an...
The definitive guide to enjoying your staycation this December
Can’t afford to get away this year, or perhaps you have left planning too late and now everywhere is fully booked? Well why not enjoy a staycation? What...
Home insurance: what are you really covered for?
Your home is the place that you go to after a long day at the office to find some serenity and relaxation. It is your security blanket and...
Is a stokvel for you? Understanding this very popular way to save
Did you know that there is a savings scheme, unique to South Africa, that allows members to contribute money to a central fund and then benefit from draw...
Protect yourself from payment fraud and scams: use an escrow service
Picture this: the puppy of your dreams is being sold on Gumtree and very soon you will become the proud owner of a 12-week-old Schnauzer. The only issue...