The definitive guide to enjoying your staycation this December
Can’t afford to get away this year, or perhaps you have left planning too late and now everywhere is fully booked? Well why not enjoy a staycation? What is it you may ask? A staycation is a holiday spent at home that involves day trips to local attractions and other budget-friendly fun. In other words, it is a time to find the little hidden treasures and best-kept secrets of the place you frequent all year round.
And if you think staycating is over-rated, you’re doing it wrong! It can be just as much fun as going away – you just need to put in a little bit of effort and break out from your all-year comfort zone. We have put together 10 tips for making this the best staycation ever!
Staycation tip 1
Put together a game plan and treat your staycation as you would a vacation. Plan trips, games, treats, sightseeing, activities, food, friend and family visits, holiday clothes, etc.
Staycation tip 2
Do everything together just as you would do if you went away. The kids will love having your full attention and you can relax and enjoy them for a change.
Staycation tip 3
Throw away the rulebook. Kids love not having to bath and brush their teeth and it won’t hurt to let them go to bed dirty for a few days. Let them stay up late and suspend all chores – for you too!
Staycation tip 4
Let everyone have a turn to choose one meal a day. Chips and chocolate for breakfast? Yum! Embrace it! And bake with your friends and family. There’s nothing nicer than eating your own treats.
Staycation tip 5
Become tourists in your own city and go places you’ve never been before. Do some research and find the top places for tourists to visit in your hometown and go there too!
Staycation tip 6
Camp in your garden. Properly. Build a campfire, toast marshmallows, tell spooky stories by campfire light. Go to bed dirty, wake up early and don’t wash!
Staycation tip 7
Get some new games in. Put away the iPad and the smartphone and return to some good ol’ fashion games such as Monopoly or Jenga. Having a games evening with family and friends who have also stayed at home is a good way to get a real holiday atmosphere going.
Staycation tip 8
Picnic. Get up very early as you would if you were leaving for vacation and go somewhere you’ve never been before to watch the sunrise. Or have a carpet picnic at home with everyone’s favourite finger food.
Staycation tip 9
Spend a day at the zoo, a local museum or art gallery, or an aquarium if you’re lucky enough to have one nearby. Take your time over it – join a tour group and do it properly, listening and learn something new.
Staycation tip 10
Have an art day and let everyone get really messy. Set up a series of still life scenes, invite your friends and family for painting and pizza and then have a prize-giving for best picture.