Money tip – Up your earning potential
The new year is almost upon us, time to think about how you can up your earning potential. Earning potential will allow you more financial freedom.
When negotiating a salary, get the company to name figures first
If you give away your current pay from the start, you have no way to know if you’re lowballing or highballing. In other words get a potential employer to name the figure first means you can then push them higher.
You can negotiate more than just your salary
For instance, your work hours, official title, maternity and paternity leave, vacation time, and which projects you’ll work on could all be things that a future employer may be willing to negotiate.
Don’t assume you don’t qualify for unemployment
At the height of the recent recession, many people eligible for unemployment applied for it. Learn the rules of unemployment.
Make salary discussions at your current job about your company’s needs
Your employer doesn’t care whether you want more money for a bigger house, they care about keeping a good employee. So, when negotiating pay or asking for a raise, emphasize the incredible value you bring to the company.
Until next time.
The MoneyShop Team
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