Want a raise? Here’s how
You are always the first to arrive at work and the last to leave. However, you feel that the work you put in does not translate into the reward you want. It is time you request a salary increase by following these steps:
Step 1: Gather evidence
According to Lyndy van den Barselaarn, managing director for Manpower Recruitment, preparation is always important if you want to get what you want in life. Sometimes your boss may not be aware of all your accomplishments and you can remind them by doing the following:
- Gather all emails, notes, and other information thanking you for the stellar work that you do.
- Gather customer commendations and positive testimonials.
- Put together awards you have won that are related to the work that you do.
- List all the important projects that you have successfully completed.
- List all the systems that you have introduced.
- If you have assisted (or lead) on important projects, list those as well, and the role you played.
- Know your worth. Gather salary information for positions similar to yours.
Step 2: Make your request matter
Choose your words wisely because they have a big impact on the negotiation at hand. Refrain from using words such as “I think”.
“Talk about how your work contributes to the organisation’s bottom line, and how you plan to up your game even more in the future,” says Van den Barselaarn.
Demonstrate to your boss that you believe in yourself and your ability to deliver what is required for the job. Acting with confidence, not arrogance, goes a long way.
As important as confidence is timing. Van den Barselaan says you should never approach your boss during a busy time when she is overwhelmed, as your request may fall on deaf ears.
Always have a second plan if your boss cannot authorise a salary increase.
Step 3: Ask for the raise
“You have one shot to ask for a raise, so practice, practice, and practice your pitch. There is truth to the adage that practice makes perfect,” she says.
Do not beg for the raise. Instead you should ask for it because you deserve it, and you have the proof.
She warns against using threats or ultimatums as that may anger your boss. She also adds that it is not in good form or professional.
“Rather emphasise your contributions, and what you plan to do in the future to help the organisation move forward. By planning and following the steps above, you will remove any feelings of angst from the process because you will be prepared.”
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